June 28th - 4th of July Parade float building

06/28/2017 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET


Many hands make short work!

Join us in making the first Dublin 4th of July Parade float. We will be showcasing many of the awesome adaptive sports that are available at TAASC.

The plan is to have 3 building nights to construct our float. We hope you can join us for one or more! If you're unable to join us, donations towards or of materials are welcome! Or join us for the parade - people needed to walk and ride!

Be sure to register - so we can contact you with any changes and updates.

Wed, June 28, 6-8pm
Thurs, June 29, 6-8pm
Mon, July 3, 4-? This session may take longer if we need more time to get it done.
Parade - July 4 - 9:30-12pm Be sure to register here!

Any questions? Contact Marcella at office@taasc.org.








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